Dismantling structural poverty on the White Earth Reservation with home ownership, renewable energy, and locally grown food.
5MW Community Solar Garden
Net Zero Nations corn
NZN Permaculture Orchard
NZN Sustainable Community Site Plan

Stabilizing. Sustainable. Replicable

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Who We Are

A Native American founded and led 501 (c)(3) non-profit located on the White Earth Indian Reservation
Net Zero Nations is committed to dismantling structural poverty on the White Earth Indian Reservation by building a sustainable community  consisting of 40 net-zero duplex homes, elder duplexes, an assisted living / daycare facility, a 5MW community solar garden, and 100+ acre sustainable farming cooperative.

Our Misson

Net Zero Nations is committed to creating pathways out of poverty for people living on the reservation by weaving together cultural values, eco-friendly home ownership, community solar gardens and local food production to create sustainable communities that promote generational wealth and a carbon negative world.

Our Vision

We see a Reservation without poverty, where everyone can unlock and share their amazing gifts and talents to heal, live, eat, increase income, and grow together. Reservation challenges are highly complex and we believe each community member has the solutions to best solve them.

Our Values

We value inclusiveness, self-reliance, sharing, generosity, kindness, and Mother Earth. We know that until one’s basic human needs of food and shelter are met self-actualization is nearly impossible to obtain. We strive to meet these needs. 

Current Situation

White Earth suffers from extreme poverty, inadequate and deplorable housing, unequal and expensive energy, and food insecurity.
Due to centuries of federal governmental legislation, Native Americans have been forced to live on reservations within the confines of structural poverty. Structural poverty, refers to a persistent and deeply ingrained socioeconomic condition that is the result of systemic and structural factors within a society or economy. It is not based on individual choices, but rather on larger, systemic issues that perpetuate poverty among certain groups or populations. Federal legislation in conjunction with Tribal Government oversight perpetuates structural poverty on reservations.
The White Earth Reservation in Northwestern Minnesota faces a complex web of challenges that affect the well-being of its residents. Structural poverty remains deeply rooted, perpetuated by generational disparities, high unemployment rates, and limited access to quality education and healthcare services. Inadequate housing compounds these difficulties, with many tribal members living in overcrowded and substandard conditions, exacerbated by a severe shortage of affordable and safe housing options.
Energy insecurity is another pressing concern, particularly during harsh winters when heating the existing inefficient homes becomes unaffordable. The lack of reliable and affordable energy sources, compounded by the remoteness of certain areas, poses significant challenges.
Food insecurity persists due to limited access to fresh, nutritious food. Economic challenges, coupled with the absence of nearby grocery stores and reliable transportation, make it difficult for many to access healthy and affordable food. This scarcity leads to higher rates of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, underscoring the critical need for systemic solutions to promote healthier dietary choices.

Structural Poverty

Extreme poverty affects all aspects of life.

Structural poverty is deeply entrenched on the White Earth Reservation in Minnesota. Generational disparities, high unemployment rates, limited access to quality education, and inadequate healthcare services perpetuate the cycle of poverty. Insufficient housing, lack of economic opportunities, and systemic challenges hinder the well-being of tribal members.

Breaking this cycle necessitates comprehensive, community-driven strategies that address the root causes of structural poverty and promote economic empowerment, housing, education, and healthy food.

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Inadequate Housing

Poorly built, Moldy, Leaky, Overcrowded

The White Earth Indian Reservation in Minnesota faces significant housing challenges. High demand and limited resources result in overcrowded and substandard housing conditions for many tribal members. Lack of affordable housing, inadequate infrastructure, and insufficient funding for maintenance and construction are persistent issues.

These challenges underscore the urgent need for sustainable, culturally sensitive, and affordable housing solutions to improve the living conditions and well-being of the White Earth Reservation’s residents.

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Energy Inequality

Leaky, Inefficient, Expensive, Shut offs

White Earth Tribal House in WinterThe White Earth Indian Reservation confronts an energy crisis characterized by limited access to reliable and affordable energy sources. Many residents face energy poverty, struggling to heat their homes during harsh winters. Additionally, the reservation’s remote location makes energy infrastructure development challenging.

Addressing this crisis requires investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and improved energy access to ensure a more sustainable and equitable future for the White Earth Indian Reservation’s community..

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Food Insecurity

Food dessert, Processed, Unhealthy Foods

Food insecurity is characterized by limited access to fresh and nutritious food. Economic challenges, a lack of nearby grocery stores, and inadequate transportation options compound the issue. Many residents, struggle to secure healthy and affordable food, resulting in higher rates of hunger, malnutrition, and diet-related health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease

Addressing food scarcity is essential to improving the overall health and well-being of tribal members and promoting healthier dietary choices for future generations.

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How We Fix Things

Net Zero Nations provides pathways out of poverty for people on the White Earth Reservation by providing income producing housing, community solar gardens, and a farming co-op.
Welcome to a visionary project aimed at addressing poverty and promoting sustainability on the White Earth Reservation. Net Zero Nations’ unique approach will uplift the community through the creation of a sustainable community featuring ownership of net-zero duplex homes, a community solar garden, and a farming co-op. By combining these elements, we aspire to not only improve living conditions but also foster self-sufficiency, environmental stewardship, economic stability, and build generational wealth.
This sustainable community project is not just about building homes; it’s about building hope, resilience, and a brighter future for the White Earth Reservation. By combining net-zero duplex homes, a community solar garden, and a farming co-op, we aim to dismantle poverty, empower the community, and create a model of sustainable development that can inspire similar initiatives across Indigenous lands and beyond. Together, we can make a positive and lasting impact on the lives of all people living on the reservation and the environment they cherish.

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Income Producing Homes

Home ownership with rental unit

Net-zero Duplex Homes
Ownership in net-zero duplex homes helps alleviate poverty on the White Earth Reservation by building assets, stabilizing housing costs, creating equity, enabling generational wealth transfer, promoting community stability, providing access to homeownership programs, and fostering skills and knowledge development. These benefits can have a profound and lasting impact on the economic well-being of community members and the overall prosperity of the reservation.

Ownership in a net-zero duplex on the White Earth Reservation would offer residents a unique blend of financial stability and environmental consciousness. These energy-efficient homes not only reduce monthly utility bills but also provide an opportunity for families to build equity and long-term financial security. In a community where housing stability is often a challenge, owning a net-zero duplex can be a pathway to self-sufficiency and the preservation of intergenerational wealth.

Furthermore, these environmentally friendly residences contribute to the broader goal of sustainability, aligning with the values of many White Earth Reservation community members. By significantly reducing carbon footprints and energy costs, these duplexes promote a greener lifestyle while also helping to address housing and energy challenges faced by the community. Overall, ownership in a net-zero duplex represents a tangible step towards a more economically and ecologically sustainable future for the residents of the White Earth Reservation.

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Renewable Energy

5MW Community Solar

Community Solar Garden
The community solar garden will produce enough energy to heat, cool, and power all of the homes in the regenerative community. A community solar garden on the White Earth Indian Reservation can be a powerful tool in the fight against poverty by reducing energy costs, creating jobs, providing ownership and revenue-sharing opportunities, fostering education, promoting energy independence and environmental sustainability, supporting community development, and diversifying economic resources. These benefits collectively contribute to improved economic well-being and resilience for the community.

A 5MW community solar garden on the White Earth Reservation promises a multitude of benefits for its residents. First and foremost, it offers a clean and sustainable energy source, reducing electricity bills for community members. Lower energy costs can alleviate financial burdens, particularly for low-income households, enabling them to redirect funds towards other essential needs such as housing, education, and healthcare. Moreover, this solar garden contributes to environmental conservation by reducing the reliance on fossil fuels, making it a crucial step towards a greener, healthier future for the community.

Additionally, the community solar garden can generate economic opportunities by creating jobs in installation, maintenance, and management. It promotes self-reliance and empowers the reservation to harness its natural resources for economic gain. The project can also foster a sense of community pride and unity as residents collaborate on a sustainable initiative that benefits both the environment and their financial well-being. Overall, a 5MW community solar garden holds the potential to be a transformative and positive force for the White Earth Reservation.

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Food Sovereignty

Local, Healthy Food

100+ Acre Farming Co-op
A farming co-op on the White Earth Indian Reservation can help fix food insecurity by increasing access to fresh, healthy, and affordable food, promoting food sovereignty and cultural preservation, creating jobs, providing education, and facilitating the distribution of surplus food. By addressing the root causes of food insecurity and fostering self-sufficiency, such a co-op can contribute to long-term solutions for the community’s food-related challenges.

Ownership in a sustainable farming cooperative on the White Earth Reservation holds immense promise for its residents. By participating in such a cooperative, community members can access fertile land and resources needed for sustainable agriculture, which can help address food security issues. This ownership model fosters self-reliance, allowing tribal members to grow their own nutritious produce and engage in environmentally friendly farming practices while creating local jobs and economic opportunities.

Furthermore, a sustainable farming cooperative aligns with the cultural values and traditions of the White Earth Reservation, preserving ancestral knowledge and reconnecting community members with their agricultural heritage. Through ownership in this cooperative, tribal members can strengthen community bonds, promote food sovereignty, and contribute to a more resilient and sustainable future for their community. Overall, it represents a holistic approach to improving the overall well-being and self-sufficiency of the White Earth Reservation.

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Poverty Reduction

Thrive rather than survive

Ending Structural Poverty
This community provides housing, which allows people to buy an income producing home, at cost with low interest loans. The rental unit helps to pay for the mortgage, while also housing an additional family on the reservation. Our community solar garden will offset all heating, cooling, and electricity costs for 2 families. Finally ownership in a farming co-op allows residents of our sustainable community to have access to healthy, locally grown food.

The creation of a sustainable community on the White Earth Reservation, comprising net-zero duplex homes, a community solar garden, and a sustainable farming cooperative, has the potential to significantly reduce structural poverty and foster holistic community development. The net-zero duplex homes would offer affordable and energy-efficient housing options, enabling residents to build wealth through ownership and reducing living costs. Concurrently, the community solar garden would provide clean and affordable energy, cutting utility expenses for community members and stimulating economic opportunities in the renewable energy sector, thereby addressing key financial challenges faced by the community.

Moreover, the sustainable farming cooperative would address food security issues, create jobs, and empower residents to produce nutritious, culturally relevant food while embracing sustainable agricultural practices. This multifaceted approach promotes economic self-sufficiency, reduces living expenses, and fosters community cohesion, thereby tackling the systemic issues underlying structural poverty on the White Earth Reservation. By combining affordable housing, renewable energy, and sustainable agriculture, this initiative aims to uplift the community, empower its members, and pave the way for a more equitable and prosperous future.

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Our Regenerative Community

This sustainable community will establish wealth generating home ownership and eliminate all heating, cooling, and utility bills. The farming co-op will enable access to healthy, locally grown food and assure food security.
Income Producing Home Ownership

We will build 40 Net-Zero duplex homes using the most energy efficient systems available. These homes will be built at cost, and sold with low interest rate loans. The rental unit will provide income to offset the payment, while also housing an additional family.

Community Solar Gardens

Our 5MW community solar garden will offset all heating, cooling, and electric bills for all homes and buildings in the community. Saving each household thousands of dollars a year. All extra energy production will power an additional 500 homes on the reservation.

Farming Cooperative

Our farming co-op will have fruit tree orchards and bushes, vegetable gardens, greenhouses, chicken coops, apiaries, mushroom farm, and aquaponics. Creating millions of pounds of local, healthy food for members, elder programs, daycares, and school lunches.

Make a Donation

Your donation can end poverty in White Earth

We will end structural poverty on the White Earth Indian Reservation. Your donation will help us build 40 Net Zero, income producing duplex homes. Build a 5mw community solar garden that will heat, cool, and power all the buildings in the community and 700 additional homes on the reservation, and build a 100+acre farming co-op. 

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End Poverty

Become a part of the solution.

If you are unable to make a donation, please help us in getting the word out. This is a very large project with a lot of moving parts It will require significant resources and we will need plenty of help. Please help us get the word out. Share our community and story on social media. With your help we can drastically change the way of life in White Earth.

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Income Producing, Zero Energy Homes
Community Solar Garden
Pounds of healthy locally grown food
Homes for local families

The only way to make this happen is to take action!

A donation to Net Zero Nations can end poverty on the White Earth Reservation.

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